Completed Projects

Thanks to your generous donations and support, we've turned these ambitious goals into realities!
This page stands as a testament to your crucial role in our success – Thank you!!

Kiwanis Park Ice Rink

2024 -- $8,000

Introducing our newest winter attraction: the ice rink at Kiwanis Park! This exciting addition promises a plethora of cold-weather fun for the whole community. Join us for ice skating, hockey, curling, and broomball, all conveniently located in the heart of Polk City and maintained by our dedicated Parks and Recreation team. Follow us on Facebook for updates on events and activities at our winter wonderland in Kiwanis Park!

Donors:  Kiwanis International Grant, Kiwanis Key Club, Polk City Women, Laramie Sandquist.  Amanda Green, Chrissy Bristle, Nicholas Otis, Marsha Smithey, Jaclyn Brees, Traci Lendt, Michaeline Stringer, Pamela Campbell,
Kelly Kopriva


2023 - $2,100

Thanks to the generous support of our community and the heartfelt contribution from an individual in memory of a loved one, the Polk City Friends of the Parks was able to help purchase a brand new scoreboard at the Sports Complex ball fields. This addition not only enhances the functionality of our facilities but also fosters a sense of pride and unity among our athletes and spectators. We extend our deepest gratitude to all who contributed to our general fund, enabling us to further our mission of enriching recreational experiences for our community.

Donors:  General 2023 Donations

Pocket Park

2023 -- $25,000

This alley was once a muddy, rocky, somewhat grassy, mess and really needed a major overhaul.  The project as a whole cost $45,000. The City received a grant for $20,000 which left $25,000 needed to complete this project. Our non-profit stepped in to help fund it. We reached out to businesses & hosted an Earth Day 5k to raise these funds.  The Community Visioning team found the mural artist and helped raise funds for that part of the project.   It is thanks to each and every one of our donors that this project was completed and funded soley by donor dollars and none of the City & taxpayer dollars went to this project! 

Donors:     Polk City Community Foundation, McClure, Fenders Brewing, Casey's, Knapp, Papa's Pizzeria, Jeff Savage, Lakeside Fellowship, Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Iowa School of Beauty, Polk City Pub, Kids Create, Michelle’s School of Dance, Home Comfort Pet Nursing Services, Bob Miller, GoPolkCity, Bruce Bolen, Home State Bank, Grinnell State Bank, Luana Savings Bank, Shane Torres

Lost Lakes Bike Rack 

2023 -- $660

Built in 2022, Lost Lakes Park serves as a hub for the neighborhood. The  3.81-acre park is located alongside N. Broadway Street, boarded by two bicycle pathways. Recognizing the high number of bicycles at this park, the idea of installing a bike rack gained merit. Thanks to the involvement of the community during BiketoberFest, the Friends of the Parks was able to purchase an 18-capacity bike rack for this park.

Donors:  BiketoberFest Participants (2022)

Trees for Kids

2023 - $641

In the Spring of 2023, our non-profit was awarded the Trees for Kids grant by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources. The 2nd-grade class at North Polk West Elementary actively participated by planting 6 native trees on the school premises. The DNR conducted planting demonstrations, allowing each child to contribute to the planting of their classroom tree. This remarkable project is sure to leave an unforgettable memory for all involved.

Donor:     Grant received from Iowa Department of Natural Resources

Leonard Park
Shade Structure

2022 - $10,000

The Leonard Park Shade structure was our Non-Profit's first project!  It came from a wish-list from citizens and was not in the City's planned budget.  The shade structure was funded sloley by donations and participants from our first annual Earth Day 5k.  

Donors:  Earth Day 5k Participants, Fenders Brewing, Papa's Pizzeria, Polk City Pub, Luana Savings Bank, Casey's, NCP Inc, Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Lakeside Fellowship, & Party in the Park donations.